Date(s) - 15/01/2019
09:30 - 13:00
For the UK to leave the EU it had to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which gives the two sides two years to agree the terms of the split. UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May triggered this process on 29 March, 2017, meaning the UK is scheduled to leave at 11pm UK time on Friday, 29 March 2019.
As things stand, the UK government and the main UK opposition party both say Brexit will happen. So join us as we pay tribute with a few British classics.
When: Tuesday, January 15th, starting at 9.30am till about 1.00pm thereabouts
Where: Ginny’s home in Weinheim (address will be provided to those attending)
What: On a cold winter’s day, the “Smoked Haddock Chowder” is the perfect soup to warm the cockles of your heart. For our main course, there will be “Yorkshire Puddings” – these days, the Yorkshire pud is not just for Sunday roasts and in many cases it is the main event of the meal. Dessert will be Ginny’s fabulous “Apple Crumble” – there is no more quintessential British pudding than this one!
There is space for 8 participants. Online registration opens mid-December.
Faeimm Tang
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