“Home of Happy Cows” is a dairy farm owned by the Großhans family in Weinheim, and they boast of a 24/7 “Milchtankstelle” (literally, milk filling station) supplying fresh milk at the press of a button! Located along the road leading to the Miramar water park in Weinheim, the Milchtankstelle is easily accessible by foot, bicycle or car. You could bring your own bottles or containers, or you could get some on-site.
The Großhans started farming in the early 1970s with 8 cows, and today they are proud owners of a 140-cow dairy herd (Holstein breed). Their cows and calves are housed in modern, well-ventilated stalls, and they are free to decide if they would like to feed, rest, or walk around.
How a Milchtankstelle works
Milk fresh from the cows are filtered and cooled to 3.5°C in order to preserve its natural flavor. Do note that the milk you get from the Milchtankstelle is neither homogenized nor pasteurized, i.e. it’s raw milk, with 3.7% fat content. There is considerable public debate on whether or not raw milk and its products are safe for consumption, and that’s a topic for another article. Nonetheless, it is indeed crucial that the cows are healthy and kept in sanitary conditions, and at the “Home of Happy Cows”, they obviously are.
Over the years, the Großhans have become a success story in the Rhine-Neckar region. In case you’re in the neighborhood and would like to try some fresh milk (and other dairy products), note that the milk must be transported in closed containers, and stored in dark and cool conditions. Best consumed promptly!
Find “Home of Happy Cows” at Waidallee 71, 69469 Weinheim
It would be great to include the address making it easier to find! I’m heading there now for mile to make a ´creme anglaisé. It’s the milk in this recipe which makes the difference! 😉
Thanks for your suggestion Patricia! “Home of Happy Cows” is located at Waidallee 71, 69469 Weinheim 😊